

How To Manage Contact Center Workflow And Provide Better Customer Service

Why is contact centre workflow important?

The remote work model was believed to be impossible in contact or call centres. But today, it has taken strong roots and allowed contact centres to survive and thrive in a pandemic. But capitalising on this is still a nightmare as many contact centres failed to create an environment that is seamless and integrated. Dealing with this requires contact centres to have a system & workflow, and that is where contact centre workflow enters the scene.

What is the contact centre workflow? 

Contact centres utilise contact centre software to personalise interactions beyond the inbound and outbound calls, helping them effectively serve customers. However, in today’s times, where everything is virtual, creating a seamless communication experience is difficult. Therefore, contact centres should deliver a unified experience that helps them automate all processes and decrease processing time while ensuring that their objectives are completed on time without any interference. 

Through contact centre workflow, both inbound and outbound call centres are equipped to automate the entire process while simultaneously minimising their processing time and increasing all the departments’ task execution and performance. Workflows create a better-coordinated effort to smoothen processes and work simultaneously.

Why have a contact center workflow in place?

Let’s take an example. Often, both inbound call center setup and outbound call center setup operate in silos without any cross-department integration or clear accountability. This results in revenue loss as well as a surge in labour costs. 

Incorporating contact centre workflow allows the contact centre to save these expenditures while making tasks less labour-intensive. Additionally, automating tasks using a blended call center solution enables agents to address other critical tasks simultaneously while eliminating double-entry. 

Workflow automation can also help contact centres to improve their accuracy and alert senior leaders about issues while saving precious time that is often spent on monitoring statistics. This is possible by ensuring that all systems such as calling software, chat solution, email solution, CRM and helpdesk are integrated. 

Advantages of workflow

Boosts Contact Center Agent Productivity

Contact centre workflow increases the productivity of agents and managers and helps them achieve their daily and monthly targets in less time. It helps them lower the workload or data re-entry with seamless communication between multiple business platforms. Contact centre workflow also minimises overall time by automating repetitive manual jobs while finding and tackling the bottlenecks along the way.

Reduces interaction processing time

Contact centre workflow enables contact centres to automate processing while optimising task performance. For example, an agent UI must be integrated and intelligent so that agent has to input only minimum information post-call thus saving the interaction processing time.  Through workflow automation, contact centres increase productivity by decreasing their processing time. 

Streamlines tasks delegation

Many assigned tasks require time, preparation, and effort to execute correctly. With capabilities such as auto-assigning call monitoring tasks and reminders & follow-ups automation, managers can practice effective delegation and manage the workload more effectively.

Delivers unified view on performance

By automating tasks and integrating systems, contact center managers do not have to worry about monitoring or compiling reports. Integrated dashboards and reports can be made available with interaction data and performance across channels. 

Below are some ways in which can help with contact centre workflow automation:

Decreasing AHT: is equipped with features such as one-click calling on CRM, one-click calling through Google Chrome, customised wrap-up codes, integration with CRM. These automation capabilities help reduce the AHT of agent interactions with the customers.

Improving Sales Performance & Service Levels: Features such as CTI integration, customised CRM fields, integration with Helpdesk, Mobile App relieves the agent from repetitive and unproductive tasks. Thus the agent can focus on his core skills i.e. interacting with customers and providing a better service.

Unified View of Call Center: Integrated reporting across channels and systems such as call center software, chatbot, CRM, Helpdesk helps deliver a unified view across the sales & customer service interactions. This enables teams to monitor performance and drive results much quicker. 

In a contact centre, you’re only as effective as your workflow. A solid workflow is the key to managing huge volumes of customer interactions. If you are struggling with your ongoing workflow and delivering exceptional employee experience, consider opting for

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